This site is believed to be over 700 years old. Like many ruins in the Red Rocks of Sedona, it is built into a large natural enclave.
This built-in security would have protected its inhabitants from many hazards, even keeping them dry in terrible storms. Today, that same protection helps to preserve this site from quicker deterioration.
Two large and easily discernible rooms still stand with walls up to 5 feet tall. Ancient corn and pottery sherds are also present, even today. Looking out from the enclave down onto the canyon below, the view is inspiring. You can’t help but wonder what life must have been like for the people who once called this home.
There are other ruin sites within view of this one, but that’s not surprising when you consider there are nearly 100 different sites in this canyon alone!
Visiting ancient ruins is a surreal experience, and I hope reading about them and seeing different photos inspires you. But please remember these special places are irreplaceable.
With each passing year, and ever-increasing traffic, their destruction is all but inevitable, without some type of broad awareness. Show respect for the centuries of history, and only share with those who share the same regard.

Who currently owns this structure?
I think it’s on BLM land. I would have to look it up to be sure.